• Memory Management with the Ruby Garbage Collector

    Memory Management with the Ruby Garbage Collector

    Ever debugged a memory leak at 3 AM? Chances are you did and that’s why you’re reading this (or perhaps you just like self-inflicting pain).

    Memory management can be a real headache if not understood properly. We’ll start with a brief overview of manual memory management followed by a detailed discussion about Ruby’s GC.

  • Ruby Interpreter Showdown: MRI vs. JRuby vs. TruffleRuby. How to Choose Wisely

    Ruby Interpreter Showdown: MRI vs. JRuby vs. TruffleRuby. How to Choose Wisely

    You’ve checked multiple times your syntax, you know you’ve built a robust application, but the question remains: where the performance bottleneck comes from?

    For seasoned engineers, selecting between MRI, JRuby, and TruffleRuby is an important decision to make with profound implications. This guide delivers a comparison to ensure your Ruby app isn’t just running, but thriving.
